It’s March Madness, baby! Yes, I admittedly enjoy this time of the sports season. As many of you all know, I’m an avid ESPN radio listener in the car because I can learn just enough about sports and what’s happening in the world of sports to talk about it. It’s the same with March Madness.

I don’t have to watch all of these basketball games, but I fill out my bracket with my best guesses of which teams will win, and I keep score! WHY? 1 -- It’s kinda fun! And 2 – I like to win!!! Ask my husband. I’m pretty good at this bracket thing. I think I’ve picked more winners than he has the last several years. Not because I know more than him. I just simply guessed on most of it. And I got lucky.
So that got me thinking… what if we just guessed our way through life? I know sometimes it probably feels that way. You don’t really know what to do in a situation, so you just make a choice and hope for the best. I know I’ve done that. But the truth is…we don’t have to guess! Sure, the Lord may not guide our decisions about what to have for dinner tonight or where to go on vacation…or even something bigger like which car to buy. But the Lord does want us to come to him with our every need. He wants to be the center of our lives. He wants to guide our decisions. He speaks to us through his Word. He wants a relationship with us. He wants to be priority in our lives. Because if we get that part right, everything else falls into place! So why are we playing the guessing game if we have a solution?
As we wrap up our series on the Ten Commandments and start to turn our attention to Easter, the timing of March Madness couldn’t be better. Jesus literally came down into the madness to be our victory! He became our sin. He became our broken commandments. He became our mistakes and wrong guesses. And he did all of that so he could become our coach, our star player, our defender, our trainer, our cheering section, our victory banner, our trophy, our championship ring, our GLORY! We can proudly sing HE IS THE CHAMPION therefore WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS (cue the music!!!)
So I hope you’ve found freedom and victory in our Ten Commandment series. I hope you’ve found guidance in your madness. I hope more than anything that you’ve found Jesus at the center of your life. That is my prayer for all of us.
Love you all! Go team!
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